$94.00 USD

6 monthly payments

Your payment information will be stored on a secure server for future purchases

I understand that All Sales final (my questions need to be addressed before I make a purchase for this workshop).

If I cancel my payments before all six payments are made then the access to the workshop is revoked. 

Embody the Green Witch (payment plan)

Embrace your Green Witch within with this six month virtual workshop ~ practice the skills of gardening, harvesting, embodiment, and more.

What you'll get:

  • Green Witch Gardening ecourse - instant access to lessons for Spring, Summer, and Autumn to add magic to your garden or add a garden to your spiritual practice. (more details below)
  • 2 NEW lessons - Erin will create two new lessons to share during the dark moon gatherings about herb gardening. 
  • 6 Dark Moon Gatherings - We'll gather virtually near the dark moon for one or more of these activities: a lesson, Q&A, sharing, etc. Participants can support each other in our green witch efforts of growing, harvesting, potions, and more. Erin will share resources, tips, and other lessons in the spur of the moment. 
  • Bi-weekly resources - to help support your journey embodying the Green Witch. This will be in the form of one of the following: recorded video lessons, meditation, guide sheets, rituals, etc. 
  • Replay - all live lessons and gatherings will be recorded 
  • Convenient Access - to a workshop website (and app) that organizes all the lessons and resources in one convenient place
  • Email reminders - for live virtual gatherings and when new resources are added to the workshop site
  • Email notifications when new resources drops into your workshop site
  • Ongoing Access - this means as long as Full Circle Herbals is in business, has access to the virtual technology,  then the participants can continue to  access the workshop information. There isn't a deadline set for when the virtual content goes away.

All Sales final; if payment is canceled before all six payments are made then the access to the workshop is revoked.